Souper Bowl Lunch - February 9th
Please join us for a soup lunch this Sunday, February 9th, immediately after worship, to raise money for Samaritan Ministries Souper Bowl Soup for Souls. This will be a potluck lunch and below is a sign-up genius for you to let us know what soup you would like to bring. Our Calvary youth will be present to collect money to donate to Samaritan Ministries. We will also be collecting cans of soup so please bring those as well. Show your support for your football team by wearing your favorite team jersey/colors! It should be a wonderful fellowship event that also helps others! Reach out to Hanna Jackson or Helen Pelkey with any questions.
New Opportunity for Community & Prayer
Virtual prayer meetings will be offered on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, at 9:00 AM via Zoom beginning Tuesday, February 11th.. We will pray for ourselves, for those on our prayer list, and for our church and world. This Zoom prayer time will last about 15 minutes, and gives us an additional opportunity to check in and share the people and things that we hold in our hearts. Confidentiality will be an essential part of these times together; when talking with someone else about the prayer time, it’s OK to say what you yourself shared, but not OK to say what anyone else shared. The link to join the meeting is
I look forward to sharing prayer with you! – Pastor Nola
Lenten Wednesday Night Program
Giving something up for Lent? How about taking something on instead? Calvary is bringing back our Wednesday night program for the season of Lent! All ages are invited to join us every Wednesday night in Lent as we share a meal together and learn more about Jesus’ "I Am" statements. There will be activities for the kids, separate activities for the youth, and a teaching series on the "I Am" statements for the adults led by Pastor Chaz. You won’t want to miss this formative time with your Calvary family! Dinner will be served from 5-6 PM and program will follow from 6-7 PM each Wednesday night starting March 12th and continuing through April 9th. Our special Lenten Faire, led by Donna Cheek and Jan Bullins will make its return on Wednesday, March 26th! Please put these 6 Wednesdays (when you include Ash Wednesday pancake supper and service on March 5th) on your family’s calendar. It will be worth your time as you intentionally focus on Jesus and his teachings this Lenten season. Please reach out to Helen Pelkey with any questions or if you’d like to help contribute to one of the meals.
Ash Wednesday & Pancake Dinner
On Wednesday, March 5th, we will observe Ash Wednesday with two services, a simple service at 10 AM and our traditional service with music at 6:30 PM. Both services will include communion and the imposition of ashes. At 5 PM that evening, we will host a pancake dinner in Fellowship Hall.
Updated Donation List for Overflow Shelter
We have been given an updated list of current needs for our Overflow Shelter with The Dwelling, that runs through the end of February. You can drop off donations either at the church or directly to the Dwelling at the Augsburg Community Center down the street. Thank you for your generosity!
Hand Sanitizer
Children's books & coloring books
Diapers size 7
Clorox/Lysol wipes
Hotel toiletries
Cup of Noodles
Lunchbox snacks
Breakfast items (yogurts, fruits, muffins, microwaveable foods, etc)
Women’s Bible Study and Opportunity for Fellowship
Bette Peterson and Barbara Howard will be facilitating a 10-week Bible Study based on Abide: A study of 1, 2, & 3 John. All women of the church are cordially invited to attend these sessions on Wednesdays, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM at Calvary, beginning March 5 through May 21 (We will not meet during Holy Week or the Week after - April 16 & 23). You may attend as many sessions as you like and come when you can. You will need a copy of the book, Abide by Jen Wilkin, available for $24.99 from Amazon. If you need help ordering or paying for the book, please let Barbara Howard know. Please register by February 24 so that we can make the necessary arrangements. We hope you will join us for this journey through John’s epistles as we build faith and fellowship! To register or for more information, please contact Barbara Howard at or 336-254-4572.
The Next Breakfast Bunch
Feb. 18th, 9 AM at Carriage House. Please contact Pat George (336) 971-3429 or Linda Smith (336) 978-6082 to RSVP.
Calling All Blood Donors
Calvary will host our annual blood drive on Monday, March 24th, from 2 PM to 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Mark your calendars now! To make an appointment, click the link below.
Day of Service at Growing High Point
The Christian Education Committee invites all Calvary members to join the children and youth for a day of service at Growing High Point. Growing High Point was founded in 2016 and works to transform disadvantaged neighborhoods by converting vacant lots to urban agriculture, increasing economic mobility by fostering small business development, increasing fresh food availability in neighborhoods, and engaging residents in building a shared sense of purpose and possibility in their neighborhoods. They need our help with weeding, mulching, and harvesting as well as working in their Food Hub where they process produce to distribute to the community. Join us on Saturday, February 15th from 10am to 1pm at 504 White Oak Street, High Point, NC 27260.
Please RSVP to Helen Pelkey at so we know who to expect and sign up on Growing High Point's event High Point's event link:
Please wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty and bring a pair of gloves and a water bottle for hydration. We look forward to a fun intergenerational event giving back to a neighboring community. Let's go dig in the dirt!
Shelter Volunteers Needed
The Dwelling's overflow shelter at Calvary is in need of volunteers to help set up the bed spaces for our guests. It would take about an hour of your time, starting around 5:30 PM on the nights you volunteer. If you would like to volunteer for this, please contact Rev. Katie Bryant ( for more information or to sign-up.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Mid-Week Adult Bible Study with Pastor Chaz are on Wednesday evenings at 6pm in the Burke Conference Room. We meet in person and via Zoom so all are welcome! The Zoom meeting link is
Winter Journey at Laurel Ridge
On the weekend of February 14th-16th, step into a season of reflection and renewal with Winter Journey, an adult retreat designed to nurture your spirit, inspire personal growth, and prioritize self-care. Set against the serene backdrop of winter’s stillness, this retreat offers interactive workshops, and quiet moments for self-discovery. One of the tracks will be led by our very own Pastor Nola! Embrace the warmth of connection, the beauty of nature, and the joy of slowing down as you embark on this transformative experience. Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or simply a pause from life’s busyness, Winter Journey is your invitation to restore and rejuvenate. For more information and to register, visit
Moravian Music on the Mountain
On February 21st-23rd, head up to Laurel Ridge for a delightful weekend of music, worship, and fellowship at Music on the Mountain. This Moravian Music Weekend, presented by Laurel Ridge and the Moravian Music Foundation, offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of music in a serene mountain setting. Participate in choir and band rehearsals led by experienced musicians, Amanda Moody-Schumpert and Robah Ogburn as well as worship led by the Rev. Ted Burcaw. For more information and to register, visit